
Showing posts from January, 2019

Brain Injury Symptoms After a Car Accident

Following a car accident, it is extremely important to visit a doctor in order to check yourself for any potential injuries. The most common injuries one can get after a car accident are: Cuts Whiplash TBI (traumatic brain injury) Broken bone Internal bleeding Head and neck injuries One of the more serious injuries is a traumatic brain injury . With very subtle symptoms, TBI may not appear for days following an accident. However, when you start experiencing real symptoms, it may already be too late to receive treatment and prevent any permanent damage. Listed below are the most common signs and symptoms of a traumatic brain injury. Symptoms Requiring Immediate Medical Attention Like with every other injury, there could be two types of symptoms: Those that can be monitored and treated if they escalate Those that require immediate medical attention The latter are the symptoms that can really have an impact on your life, cause issues and problems that could preve